Nosotros - Coocrea | Personas y empresas que se gustan

We, the pirates

Why are we Pirates? Because we steal ideas from other worlds

Ahoy, Me

We jump aboard the most diverse ships to keep the good ideas: arketing, advertising, consulting, journalism, pedagogy, personal development, philosophy, graphic design and even art and engineering.

We take what is ours from all these places, because that is where we come from: a diverse crew with very varied experiences but with the same condition, who are “very Coocrea”.

Keep reading, get to know us a little better and you will understand.

The crew is made up of:

Paco Romero

Paco Romero


He got his teeth into training. He was one of the pioneers who crossed the country to reach the West, selling "online courses" when the Internet was not yet working and customer demos had to be drawn. Now he is interested in how to develop change mindsets in companies. #Diligence #Mindset

José Javier Rego

José Javier Rego


He reluctantly entered the learning world: "I am an engineer!" Today he gives seminars on Gamification or Productivity, always with the improvement of the employee experience at the forefront of his mind. A perfect cocktail: he knows what works, but above all how and for how much. And even more important, he makes us all work. A little gem. #KingMidas #Vision

José Luís Rego

José Luis Rego


He's so good that we got him out of the basement and now he works next to us overlooking the street. He tells us how we technically solve the latest crazy thing we've invented and makes Technology invisible and painless (Thank you!). For him Impossible is nothing, and we doubt we'll catch him at this point. #Bender #DeluxeCode

Ángel Alonso

Ángel Alonso


It would seem that he is the one who paints the least, but no, he paints a lot and very well. He can make you an infographic or design a course on personal branding, while he spouts his pearls (the funny ones, mind you). We've commissioned him to paint the boss on horseback with a stormy sky, but now he doesn't have time because he's become a father. #TheArtist #OlallaesdelLega

David Arroyo

David Arroyo

Strategic creativity

This is the typical story of the immigrant who comes from the world of Marketing and Communication and turns everything upside down. Watch out, because he's on the loose with an idea and he's armed with a marker. Open your minds, with you the genie of the lamp. #Houdini #LibertadCreativa

Alberto Doñoro

Alberto Doñoro


In Coocrea even the technology people are sociable. It is not a joke. He reviews the football day while he keeps the code neat . Of course, he is always starving and not only for knowledge. #CleanCode #AupaAtleti

Carlota Tarín

Carlota Tarín


Stand aside, Carlota has arrived and is going to take us to the next level. We don't know if we like her analytical skills more, her strategic vision, her knowledge of the consulting world or her cupcakes. Well, yes, the cupcakes, but we found that out after we hired her. #Pro #DeLaPolitologíaTambiénSeSale

José Prieto

José Prieto


You already have to be brave to come to this company calling you José without giving you the last name Rego, although we believe that the welcome was satisfactory because he brought croissants. We call him Prieto and he has landed on his feet, as if he had been here all his life. Web layout wizard, bootstrap king and no Linkedin. Almost nothing! #PorLosCodos #DesignOrDie

Sergio Palazón

Sergio Palazón


No one has ever joined Coocrea with more positive recommendations before (no pressure, Sergio) and the truth is that after two days he confirmed what he promised and coordinates projects as if he had been doing it his whole life. A rockstar with a lot of judgment, values, know-how and a mustache. He belonged in Coocrea but he didn't know it #Vegeta #LearningInProgress

Juan López

Juan López


Juan started programming as he walked in the door and it took him several days to tell us anything because he is a man of few words. He is able to score a 10 in his tasks without being distracted for a second, even when we are debating in the office as if our lives depended on it what is the correct way to call the inhabitants of the Netherlands. #SuperLópez #RedCode

Paco Cebriá

Paco Cebriá


Until now they were the Josés. With him, the Pacos begin their lineage. Yes, he is as insultingly young as he appears in the photo, but don't be fooled because he exudes maturity. An ace of recording, editing and audiovisual montage and with very clear ideas. He gives us freshness and style in the projects and the first time he has become the King of the Christmas party. #NosinmiSerie #Diseño

Ester Aparicio

Ester Aparicio


Ester has that point of solver that we like so much. She comes from a Advertising agency and knows everything about Marketing. She is an expert in gettings others off the hook, overseeing a video shoot or finding shredded paper for gift boxes. She can be is very McGyver-ish (if that means anything in 2023). Oh, and she's a winking expert too! #Pro #Complicated

Mathilde Thomas

Mathilde Thomas


We have the same feeling as when you find, among dozens, the missing piece of the puzzle. Mathilde shines: she is 50% creative and 50% Cartesian, 50% funny and 50% serious. A perfect match. She thought in Coocrea she was going to walk away from film production, but she has realized she has not strayed that far. Bienvenue. #Charme #Cinéma

Elena Luque

Elena Luque


She came in, sat down and got to work. After several years working as a video editor, she has switched to web layout and she does it really well. A pro Egabrense, role-playing geek and loquacious by nature, we miss her laughter when she teleworks. #Growing #Zelda

Gemma Fornell

Gemma Fornell


We all like to come home. With Gemma it feels like she never left. She still knows where everything is and has an extreme facility to grasp what you need at any given moment. She brings order and harmony to the creative chaos. But, above all, love. Thanks for coming back. #Trust #Hamingja

Claudia Mas

Claudia Mas


Everyone wants to work with Claudia because she throws rays of positive energy. 100% efficiency. Nothing is ever a problem, always looks to the bright side with a permanent smile in her face. It´s contagious. Although this kindness comes as standard, it was surely forged among books, through hundreds of readings and editions that showed her what is truly important in life. #Serenity #Smile

Silvia Ballesteros

Silvia Ballesteros


Silvia´s present is a scandal. We can´t imagine the future. She has already developed skills that have cost some of us years (if we have them at all). Pure productivity without fuss in project management. The quiet woman... at work, because outside she compensates with adrenaline between engines. #Power #Asphalt

Paula Gómez

Paula Gómez


Her medium is the word. She spends her days looking for the balance between the dynamic and the didactic with a face like she has never broken a dish (and we think she has). She can write low-cost short films or photograph a bottle of wine at sunset, but, for us, what she does best are eLearning scripts. #Calm #PlotTwist

Elena Merlo

Elena Merlo


We made a quick match when she saw the Coocrea projects and we saw the way she talked and listened, the way she was and the way she accepted the challenge. Detail oriented and meticulous, she has the ability to learn very quickly and there is no way to catch her off guard; she is always in a perfect state of readiness. #NoniNá #Confidence

Marina Gimeno

Marina Gimeno


Marina likes cinema. And we think she thinks Coocrea is a good place for people who love film. She'll probably say that what she does best is writing, but she's not bad at talking. She writes like she speaks: the right words at the right time. A lot of sense for such a young woman. #AlterEgo #Writer

Daniela García

Daniela García


We fell in love with each other. Coocrea was looking for a difficult profile: with experience in Leadership, Talent and HR, and who liked to work on change in different Corporate Cultures. And Daniela appeared with a big smile, an unbeatable CV and an enormous curiosity and desire to learn. We are delighted. #Quéonda #Change

Lara Henríquez

Lara Henríquez


Lara is very special. What she shows is organisation, precision and effectiveness (always with a smile). What she keeps in the background - unless you probe - is sensitivity, curiosity and artistry. The smile is always there, she doesnt hide it. As professional as she is discreet. Oh, and she writes like an angel. We couldnt ask for more. #Polivalent #AnyTuesday

Amalia Santos

Amalia Santos


Some people give speeches about the mentality of change; Amalia exercises it. After 15 years working in the world of NGOs, she decided to try Coocrea. Just the same. She conveyed calm, kindness, order and sense as she walked through the door. We have doubts as to whether we like her listening or listening to her better. #Processes #Goiko

Aarón García

Aarón García


The graphic definition of standing up. His eyes shone when he saw that in Coocrea he could display all his art and he has not stopped spreading his enthusiasm since the first day. He is very Coocrea because of how well he works and because he is the soul of the party. An unbeatable tandem. Pure creativity. #Artist #Rebullón

And also, there are our collaborators:

María Villaraviz

María Villaraviz


Stand up to welcome the Beyoncé of Learning. You can't tell the difference between the two choreographies, except that Maria's are in the classroom, although we don't rule out the possibility of her taking to the stage. She is as good at facilitating as she is at designing bespoke Leadership, Culture and Talent projects, and we don't know anyone who loves what she does so much. #NotASingleLady #IloveTraining

Diego de Azcoitia

Diego de Azcoitia


There was the day eLearning was launched. Since then, he has always been very close to two of his great passions: learning and the clients. Like Lt. Col. Kilgore from Apocalypse Now, he likes the smell of a business meeting in the morning and is uneasy when he doesn't have enough appointments on his schedule. He also likes to surf and not only on the internet. Someday he will write to us from his sailboat from the far side of the world. #HalaMadrid #ElDefensordelCliente

Jaime Bartolomé

Jaime Bartolomé


He doesn't just like to tell stories; it is that he likes to tell them as best as possible when writing about how a magnet works or about an ATM’s sex life. He manages to make it interesting, funny, dramatic; whatever it takes. #Eraseunavez #Puedometerunchisteaquí?

We tell you things

Working every day with dozens of companies of all sizes and profiles gives us a unique perspective of the environment. And since we love sharing, we tell you about it on Linkedin: videos, infographics and selected content. Enjoy!

Our LinkedIn

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(and we like them too!)

We are proud to work with companies looking to improve their employee experience.