Online - Coocrea | Personas y empresas que se gustan

When learning cannot wait and no barrier can stop it, neither distance, nor lack of economic resources, nor space you need Face to face online.

This methodology allows us to reach many people in different places in an inspiring and pedagogical way.

Digital Learning Solutions

Face to face Online

What does Coocrea bring you?

Designing an online live event involves taking into account a series of issues: timing, messages, available tools, audience... the same as in the "offline" live event but "different". That's why when we design online dace to face, we go "ON", to guarantee learning, taking care of every last detail: lighting, audio, storytelling, content organization...

Ask us for a Online Face to face whenever you want to...

  • It is your solution if you want to design online learning sessions with the engagement and effectiveness of classic classroom training.
  • Generate learning that focuses on people (knowledge, skills and attitudes...) in contexts where mobility is not possible, you do not have the necessary budget or you have less time for the organization.
  • Have interaction, participation and generation of experiences in a synchronous and dynamic way.
See infographic

Do not choose Online Face to face if...

You need a high level of personal interaction.

Interacting through the screen is not the same as face-to-face, and we can't go for a drink when we're done.

You need a lot of theoretical input.

We seek to interact and convey key messages, not tedious training.

We tell you things

Working every day with dozens of companies of all sizes and profiles gives us a unique perspective of the environment. And since we love sharing, we tell you about it on Linkedin: videos, infographics and selected content. Enjoy!

Our LinkedIn

Customers who already like us

(and we like them too!)

We are proud to work with companies looking to improve their employee experience.