Culture & people - Coocrea | Personas y empresas que se gustan

Culture and people

Culture is inherent to any human group.

Your football team, your family (including that brother-in-law) and of course, your company.

Culture exists, even if you don't want to. And we, the people, create it. You can let it generate spontaneously or you can decide the values that will define your culture and the behaviors associated with it.

How are you contributing to build your corporate culture?

We co-create with you the employee experience in four areas:

culture and values

  • Distill company values
  • Capillarize the corporate culture
  • Define the behaviors in which culture is specified


  • Manage change.
  • Build an organizational mindset for VUCA times

Talents(Yes, in the plural, because there are all kinds)

  • Attract and retain
  • Design and improve selection processes
  • Identify talents
  • Diversity

Knowledge management

  • Capillarize knowledge
  • Select and train Internal Trainers
  • Design methodologies to optimize knowledge

Creative coonsulting solutions for culture and people

We tell you things

Working every day with dozens of companies of all sizes and profiles gives us a unique perspective of the environment. And since we love sharing, we tell you about it on Linkedin: videos, infographics and selected content. Enjoy!

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We are proud to work with companies looking to improve their employee experience.