Academy - Coocrea | Personas y empresas que se gustan

As if it were a Dream Team, with Academy what we do is create a community of internal trainers that will optimize knowledge management in your company.

Culture & People Solutions


What does Coocrea offer you?

We define the profile and style of the internal trainer, select and develop trainers and provide the community with the means and tools to keep the company's collective knowledge alive and in motion.

Ask us for Academy whenever you want...

  • To make the most of the knowledge of the most capable people in the company.
  • Promote a company in constant learning. Create a learning community.
  • Optimize your training budget.

It's your solution if you want to leverage the potential of your team's people and resources to bring out internal expertise.

Don't choose Academy if...

...You want to keep spending money on external trainers who know half as much as your experts.

We tell you things

Working every day with dozens of companies of all sizes and profiles gives us a unique perspective of the environment. And since we love sharing, we tell you about it on Linkedin: videos, infographics and selected content. Enjoy!

Our LinkedIn

Customers who already like us

(and we like them too!)

We are proud to work with companies looking to improve their employee experience.