Pop learning - Coocrea | Personas y empresas que se gustan
Pop Learning

Some call it microlearning, we like to call it Pop, a mix of popcorn and a Rihanna record.

Basically training pills, agile, with a very attractive design and prepared to transmit key concepts with impact.

Oh, and of course, with mobile devices as a priority.

Digital learning solutions

Pop Learning

What does Coocrea bring you?

We lighten the content for you, we make it nice and we combine interactive content, videos, podcasts and exercises so that your employees can train after watching some Twitch streaming, uploading four Tik Toks and answering a couple of celebrities on Twitter. Once you Pop... (sorry, we had to).

See demo


Ask us for a Pop Learning whenever you want to...

  • Transmit the content from an approach where communication and design are essential.
  • Transmit cultural content, communication issues or endomarketing content.

It is your solution if you need a fresh product, with simple ideas, that has a high impact and you want it to be enjoyed anywhere and at any time.

Do not choose Pop Learning if...

...You need a very extensive content.

They are pills with key messages, who is going to watch a 4-hour story?

...Your idea is that it should be done preferably from a PC.

Pop Learning looks great on desktop AND mobile devices too...

...If you want to train in content with a high level of detail.

The smartphone or tablets are not the best devices to do a very technical training.

We tell you things

Working every day with dozens of companies of all sizes and profiles gives us a unique perspective of the environment. And since we love sharing, we tell you about it on Linkedin: videos, infographics and selected content. Enjoy!

Our LinkedIn

Customers who already like us

(and we like them too!)

We are proud to work with companies looking to improve their employee experience.